Beauty Essentials
Tranform Your Look With Our Skincare, Makeup, Jewelry, and Leather Bags

About Nicasia Quinn
The idea to start my Vlog, "My Best Life Over 40", and Nicasia Cosmetics came after realizing my makeup routine was starting to work against me as my skin changed with age. Having been an esthetician and cosmetologist for over 20 years. I used the tips + tricks along with science that I had learned over my 20+ years in the industry.
My skincare is based on scientific evidence that Retinoids, Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin C, and Glycolic Acid are the four ingredients capable of causing change in our maturing skin. My skincare contains the highest percentages of those four ingredients that are not available without a prescription. Unlike prescription products, which can only be used for a limited time, mine can be used on a daily basis for a more aggressive approach to changing your skin for the better with no downtime. It is NEVER TOO LATE to have the BEST SKIN.
XOXO, Nicasia
Body Skincare
It's NEVER Too Late To Have Your BEST Skin